Symposia > By Session

(APPLIED) LINGUISTIC THEORY: history, (usage based) approaches, CDST-complexity, theory, approaches and analysis, phonology, psychology (12 documents)
LANGUAGES IN INSTRUCTION: languages as Medium of Instruction, in Higher Education, in CLIL and languages for Internationalization (13 documents)
(MINORITY) LANGUAGES IN THE WORLD: Lingua Franca, Global language, Academic Language, dialects (9 documents)
LANGUAGE RESOURCES: multi-modality (including gesture), corpora, artifacts,  (10 documents)
LANGUAGE & TECHNOLOGY: media, tools, digitals humanities, Natural Language Processing (NLP) (12 documents)
LANGUAGE IN THE MIND/BRAIN: psycholinguistics, bilingualism, multilingualism, processing, cognitive advantage, individual factors or differences, cross-linguistic factors, disorders (10 documents)
LANGUAGE IN USE: communication, interaction, conversation analysis, discourse, corpus, media (17 documents)
LANGUAGE SKILLS: writing, fluency, chunks / formulaic language, speaking, feedback, testing (8 documents)
LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING: teacher education, curricula and education, classrooms, instruction, task-based learning, EAP, study abroad, (virtual) exchanges, materials and methods (32 documents)
LANGUAGES IN PROFESSIONS: translation & interpreting, transdisciplinarity, justice, medicine, food, forensics (9 documents)
LEARNER CHARACTERISTICS: autonomy, strategies, young, old, non-instructed, individual factors or differences, emotion (10 documents)
LINGUISTIC SOCIAL ISSUES: linguistic (in)justice, power, advocacy, attitude & bias, diversity-emancipation, discriminations, ethnicity and gender, ideology, language & social justice (19 documents)
LANGUAGES IN SOCIETY: bilingualism, multilingualism, plurilingualism, multilingual classroom, translanguaging, literacy & literacies, heritage language, home language, migrants, deaf, sign/gesture (18 documents)
RESEARCH: methods, approaches and (collaborative) practices (14 documents)
OTHERS (6 documents)
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